Alaska, Round II

Doug Bowen and I are about to take Alaska by storm. We both recently retired, and we want to take my Astro Van with 160000 miles on it and pull a small trailer with two small dualsport bikes all over the Great White North. I'm hoping to get to Inuvik, and Doug is hoping to get to Nome. We will see.......we will just do it!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Departure day June 15th 2006

Anyway when I went to Doug's to load up yesterday, I found him down for the count. In the middle of the night before, he came down with flue like symptoms. Loose bowels and a sick stomach.

I told him to lay back down, and I would put the bikes on the trailer, which I did. I finished up, and spent a little time encouraging Doug. He was having a tough time being enthusiastic. We'll see how it goes this morning.

2PM same day.
I'm in Johannesburg Ca. We're checking out the indian rocks. Seems as though I had it all wrong. The Basalt rocks lay in the dirt and oxide up an orange color. She cuts through the orange and the color come through in a design. I'm on her dial up puter, and she is in the back with Doug.

Burt Munroe would have loved this setup. There will be pictures to follow. Soon we will be on the road again. We don't know whether to go north through Trona and Death Valley or north along the eastern Sierras. Tough decision.


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